How to Throw a Great Party Even When Your Broke A$$ Can’t Afford it
Get over yourself and gather with your friends
Look, I get it: You’re ashamed to have people over. Your microwave has been broken since 2016 (reader, mine has been). Your floors are warped. Your dog sheds. You don’t have enough chairs. Plus, you’re not sure how you can afford party food and drinks when you can’t even spare the money to get your tires fixed. Frivolous stuff like this can wait, right?
Except it can’t. Think about the last time you saw some of your friends — I mean really saw them, not texted or liked their pictures of lunch on Instagram, but saw them. When was the last time you got your friends together, introduced them to one another, and took a break to enjoy their company in your own home?
Frankly, you can’t afford not to do that.
When was the last time you got your friends together, introduced them to one another, and took a break to enjoy their company in your own home?
Frankly, you can’t afford not to do that
I’ve been where you are — quite recently, in fact. At some point I gave up trying to host parties altogether because I knew we didn’t have the money to “do…